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케네디센터 LDP 현대무용단 공연 (Oct. 31 - Nov. 2)

2024.09.27. | 308 Hit

케네디센터 LDP 현대무용단 공연 (Oct. 31 - Nov. 2)

워싱턴한국문화원(원장 박종택이하 문화원)은 2024년 10월 31()부터 11월 2()까지 3일간 현지 최고의 국립예술극장인 존 F. 케네디 센터에서 LDP 현대무용단(LDP/Laboratory Dance Project)의 공연을 개최된다.


이번 행사는 우수한 한인 현대무용단을 현지에 초청해 한국 공연예술의 진면목을 선보이기 위해 케네디센터와 파트너십을 맺고 기획되었다케네디센터의 댄스 시리즈에는 뉴욕시티 발레단엘빈 엘리 아메리칸 댄스 시어터버밍햄 로얄 발레단 등 세계적으로 유명한 무용단이 초청되는데한국을 대표해 LDP 공연단이 공식 초청된 것은 이번이 처음이다이는 현지에서 한국 문화예술의 위상을 높이고 경쟁력을 강화할 수 있는 중요한 기회로 여겨진다.


LDP 무용단은 김동규 안무의 <ASH>와 <MOB> 두 작품을 약 80분간 공연한다. <ASH>는 코로나 팬데믹 이후 개인의 결핍을 탐구하며 잃어버린 것들을 회복하려는 여정을 그리며, <MOB>죽은 물고기만이 강의 흐름을 따라간다.' 는 속담을 바탕으로군중 속 개인의 내면과 인간성의 양면성을 탐구하며 에너지 넘치는 춤을 통해 표현하는 작품이다이번 미국 투어에는 김민서김석현김예나김영채박지희배현우신호영윤나라윤승민이정은이홍장지호장호원정건최예원최호정한윤주 포함 총 17인의 단원이 참가한다.


LDP 무용단은 2001년 한국예술종합학교 출신 무용수들에 의해 창단된 단체로현재 윤나라 안무가가 대표를 맡고 있다이들은 실험적 도전과 독창적인 스타일을 통해 예술 철학과 커뮤니케이션을 강조하며 한국의 무용을 글로벌 네트워크로 확장을 목적으로 한다국내에서는 매진 기록을 세우며 인기를 끌고 있으며독일스위스일본포르투칼스웨덴영국 등 해외 유명 무용제에서 러브콜을 받고 있는 단체이다2018년 문화체육관광부 예술분야 공로상 등을 수상했다. 2011년 미국의 역사 깊은 무용 페스티벌인 제이콥스 필로우 댄스 페스티벌(Jacob’s Pillow Dance)에 초청받았고같은 해 포틀랜드 화이트 버드 페스티벌(White Bird Festival), 2012년 뉴욕시티센터 폴 포 댄스(For For Dance) 페스티벌에 초청된 바 있다.


이번 LDP 공연단의 미국 데뷔무대를 통해 현지 관객들에게 한국 공연 예술의 우수성을 선보일 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 것으로 기대하며 많은 참여와 관심을 바란다자세한 내용은 문화원 홈페이지에서 확인 가능하며공연티켓은 케네디센터 홈페이지를 통해 구입할 수 있다.

Laboratory Dance Project

Oct. 31, Nov. 1, and Nov. 2 (8:00 PM daily)

Eisenhower Theater, The Kennedy Center (Washington, DC)

NOTE: Tickets are available through the Kennedy Center Box Office, with special $39 and $59 ticket discounts for select Orchestra seating on Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 using this link or promo code 589082. See the Kennedy Center announcement for details. 

About the Works





The German proverb “Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom” translates to "only dead fish swim with the stream." This proverb reflects the idea that individuals who lose their personal perception and become part of a crowd may sometimes rise above simpler ideas with dignity, but at other times may regress to a more barbaric state. With anonymity, people tend to hide, exaggerate, and simplify their desires while shirking responsibility. The transformation of individuals into a mob, and the manipulation of individuals within a mob, is both intriguing and alarming, yet common. This dynamic of intolerance and brutality against others contrasts with a subtle sense of unity and intimacy.


MOB closely examines these two facets of humanity, scrutinizing the interplay between the individual and the collective in society. The work explores the human inner self and the individual within society, focusing on the duality of human nature through crowd psychology. While individual dancers showcase their unique styles, they either blend into or are overwhelmed by the collective. The piece is characterized by LDP’s signature energetic masculinity and a palpable sense of tension. MOB premiered at the Arko Arts Theater in Seoul, Republic of Korea, on March 24, 2022.



Choreographer: Kim Dongkyu

Dancers: Yoon Nara, Jeong Geon, Yun Seungmin, Kim Youngchae, Choi Hojeong, Bae Hyeonwoo, Kim Minseo, Kim Seokhyun

Composer: Jang Jiho

Lighting Designer: Kim Jung Wha

Stage Manager/Staff Masterpiece: Kim Jisu

Costume Designer: Choi Insook

Photographer: BAKI

Producer: NINANO Gook Jisoo





I am not interested in reminiscing about drowsy nostalgia. Instead, I focus on the now faded appearance and question my fear of moving backward, despite my denial of reality. I reflect on my own disappearances and deficiencies, remembering the good old days, but I attempt to revisit the past without alteration. Just as the future remains invisible, the past may have also endured suffering. Is there a pile of ashes hidden deep in my heart, like how I now view the ashes?


Since COVID-19, societal polarization has accelerated, prompting a reevaluation of how art reflects humanity. During a time when everything was paused and restricted, the gaps left by scarcity have grown ever larger. What has vanished without a trace? Are the things I claim have disappeared truly real? This work explores the concept of reversing time to address a period when even deprivation meant indifference. In this piece the choreographer questions individual deficiencies and embarks on a journey to return to an original, intact state by moving backward through time. Ash premiered at the Arko Arts Theater in Seoul, Republic of Korea, on March 24, 2022.



Choreographer: Kim Dongkyu

Dancers: Jang Jiho, Shin Hoyoung, Jeong Geon, Joo Han Yoon, Lee Hong, Yun Seungmin, Kim Youngchae,

Lee Jeongeun, Choi Hojeong, Park Jihee, Jang Hoiwon, Kim Yeona, Choi Yewon, Bae Hyeonwoo, Kim Seokhyun, Kim Minseo

Composer: Jang Jiho

Lighting Designer: Kim Jung Wha

Stage Manager / Staff Masterpiece: Kim Jisu

Costume Designer: Choi Insook

Photographer: BAKI

Producer: NINANO Gook Jisoo

About LDP


Founded in 2001, LDP is a contemporary dance project whose goal is to bring Korean contemporary dance to the global stage. Since its founding, LDP has played a role in enhancing the value of the arts while shaping a repertoire that emphasizes a rich artistic and communicative philosophy, including experimental challenges based on individuality and uniqueness. LDP's dancers have earned the public’s trust through their tireless efforts and sincerity, as well as their distinctive gifts and talents.


LDP enjoys widespread acclaim in South Korea, consistently achieving sold-out performances and garnering invitations to prestigious international dance festivals. The company's global presence was established with its early collaborations, including notable performances at I-camp and Muffathalle Theater in Munich with Micha Purucker of Tanztendenz. LDP’s international footprint expanded through festivals in Mannheim, Hannover, France, and Slovenia, as well as appearances at the Venice Dance Biennale (2006 and 2007), the Frankfurt Book Fair, and Switzerland's Winterthur Arts Festival. The company has also participated in the New York APAP Conference, Japan Society Showcase, Suzanne Dellal Festival in Israel, and various European tours. In 2011, LDP was featured at the White Bird Festival in Portland and the Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival in the United States and was further boosted by an invitation to New York City Center’s Fall For Dance Festival in 2012.



Kim Minseo, Kim Seokhyun, Kim Yeona, Kim Youngchae, Park Jihee, Bae Hyeonwoo, Shin Hoyoung, Yoon Nara, Yun Seungmin, Lee Jeongeun, Lee Hong, Jang Jiho, Jang Hoiwon, Jeong Geon, Choi Ye Won, Choi Hojeong, Han Yoon Joo


About the CEO


Yoon Nara, CEO

Yoon Nara is a choreographer and the chief representative for LDP. He graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Contemporary Dance from Korea National University of Arts in 2011 and completed his Master’s degree in the same field in 2018. He has served as a lecturer at Kaywon High School of the Arts and as a mentor at the Korea National University of Arts Gifted Education Center. Yoon has received numerous dance accolades, including 3rd place at the Korea International Dance Competition in 2012, 2nd place at the Berlin International Dance Competition in 2013, 2nd place at the Hellas International Dance Competition in Greece in 2014, 1st place in the Contemporary Male Category at the Seoul International Dance Competition in 2015, the Best Choreographer Award at the Korean Dance Association’s 2018 Young Choreographer’s Exhibition, and the Grand Prize at the Duet Festival in 2018.

His notable choreographic works include We Need a Dialogue (2011), What's Your Name? (2017), Essential Emotion (2018), I Will Assist You (2018), and Not Sun View (2018). 


About the Choreographer

Kim Dongkyu, Choreographer

Kim Dongkyu demonstrates his artistic sense of balance by presenting movements based on rich skills in flexible and natural patterns. For the public, he is a choreographer who presents modern dance styles that are truly comfortable, easy, fun and free. His greatest strength is showing the possibility of expanding the performance space and exceeding its fixed limits.


LDP Achievements



May 5-7: 24th Laboratory Dance Project, Arko Arts Theater, Seoul, Korea <View> <Intricate Threads of Humanity>



April 7-9: 23rd Laboratory Dance Project, Daehakro Arts Theater, Seoul, Korea <Children> 

September 13-14: Seoul International Dance Festival SIDANCE, Seoul, Korea <Children> 

September 28 – October 1: Seoul Street Arts Festival, Seoul City Hall, Seoul, Korea <Rebirth> 

October 13: Busan Dance Market, Geumjeong Arts Center, Busan, Korea <Stagnant Water> 

October 22: K-Wave Dance Festival, Han River, Seoul, Korea <Stagnant Water> 

December 19: Seoul International Choreography Festival, SCF, Arko Arts Theater, Seoul, Korea 



March 24-27: 22nd Laboratory Dance Project, Arko Arts Theater, Seoul, Korea 

July 23: Gunsan Arts Center <No Comment> <MOMBURIM> 

July 29: Jeju Arts Center <Ash> 

August 12: LG Arts Center, Seoul, Korea <Look Look> 

September 3: Sungnam Arts Center <Ash> 

September 17: International Modern Dance Festival MODAFE, Kyoungki Arts Center <No Comment> 

September 18: Haebichi Art Festival Showcase, Jeju, Korea <Look Look> 

October 2: Hansung Culture Festival, Olympic Park, Seoul, Korea <Ash> 

October 13-14: Cervantino Festival, Teatro Principal, Mexico <Ash> 



April 29-May 2: 21st Laboratory Dance Project, Daehakro Arts Theater, Seoul, Korea 

June 4: International Dance Festival <MOMBURIM> 

August 12: Chuncheon Performing Arts Festival, Chuncheon, Korea <MOB> 

August 28-29: Goyang Culture Foundation, Saerasae ON, Goyang, Korea <No Comment>, <MOMBURIM> 

September 1: Dancers Career Development Center invited performance, Seongnam Arts Center <MOB> 

September 9: Daegu International Dance Festival, Daegu, Korea <Lavender Vender> 

October 17: 2021 Taewhagang Performing Arts Festival, Korea <MOB> 

October 28: Gunsan International Dance Festival, Gunsan, Korea <Lavender Vender> 

November 19: The 42nd Seoul Dance Festival, Arko Arts Theater, Seoul, Korea <Ash> 

November 24: 2021 Haebichi Art Festival Showcase, Jeju, Korea <MOMBURIM> 



May 2-10: 20th Laboratory Dance Project, Seoul, Korea 

June: Dancers Career Development Center invited performance, Jeju, Korea <MOB> 

July 17-18: Goyang Culture Foundation, Goyang AreumNuri Theater, Korea <No Comment>, <MOMBURIM> 

October: LDP x Eric Languet (FR) Coproduction <MAT(T)ER> 



February 9: PyeongChang Winter Olympics Korea, 1st Anniversary, PyeongChang Arena, Korea <MOB> 

April 5-7: 19th Laboratory Dance Project, Daehakro Arts Theater, Seoul, Korea 

May 17: The Inauguration, The Embassy of Switzerland in Korea, Seoul, Korea <360° 92W Dance Loop> 

May 24-25: ILT Festival, Aarhus, Denmark <No Comment>, <MOB> 

May 29: Dancers Career Development Center invited performance, Jeju, Korea <No Comment> 

September 26-29: LDP X LG Arts Center, LG Arts Center, Seoul, Korea <Triple Bill> 

October 17: ECM 50th Anniversary exhibition, Hyundai Card Storage <RE:ECM> 

October 28-December 1: LAVA Company Invited Choreography, Tenerife, Spain <YALACHA> 

November 22-23: ECM 50th Anniversary exhibition, Hyundai Card Storage <RE:ECM> 



February 25: PyeongChang Winter Olympics Korea, Closing Ceremony 

March 23-25: 18th Laboratory Dance Project, Arko Arts Theater, Seoul, Korea 

April 13: Dancers Career Development Center invited performance, Seoul, Korea <MOB> 

May 5-6: Ansan International Street Arts Festival (ASAF), Korea <Look Look> 

May 17: The 10th Dancing City Incheon, Incheon, Korea <MOB> 

June 1: The 14th Busan International Dance Festival, Busan, Korea <MOB> 

June 2: Busan International Street Arts Festival, Busan, Korea <MOB> 

June 20: Haebichi Art Festival Showcase, Jeju, Korea <Look Look> 

July 5: Hanam Asia Comic Dance Festival, Hanam, Korea <Look Look> 

July 25: Chuncheon Culture & Art Center - La Siesta, Korea <MOB>, <No Comment> 

August 13: The 63rd Anniversary Kukbang UNIV., Korea <MOB> 

August 31: Tanzmesse, Germany <No Comment> 

September 22-24: La Merce, Barcelona, Spain <Look Look> 

September 27 - October 2: MilanOltre Festival, Italy <No Comment>, <BOW>, <Look Look>, <Black Comedy> 

October 24: Ansan Arts Center <THIS IS NOT MY LIFE> 

October 28: All That Dance Festival, Seoul, Korea <MOB> 

November 16 - December 1: The Istanbul State Opera & Ballet - Modern Dance Theatre Istanbul Invited Choreography <Heyecan> 

November 29: Early Winter Festival, Incheon Culture and Arts Center, Korea <No Comment>, <BOW>, <MOB> 

December 11: Seoul International Choreography Festival, GALA, Arko Arts Theater, Korea <MOB> 



March 31 - April 2: 17th Laboratory Dance Project, Arko Arts Theater, Seoul, Korea 

June 13: 10th Haebichi Art Festival Showcase, Jeju, Korea <MOB> 

October 6-7: Seoul Street Arts Festival (SSAF), Seoul, Korea <Look Look> 

October 10-11: Seoul Performing Arts Festival (SPAF), Seoul, Korea <Look Look> 

October 14: Daegu Asia Dance Festival (DACDF), Daegu, Korea <Look Look>


 케네디센터 LDP 현대무용단 공연 (Oct. 31 - Nov. 2)

케네디센터 LDP 현대무용단 공연 (Oct. 31 - Nov. 2)

케네디센터 LDP 현대무용단 공연 (Oct. 31 - Nov. 2)

케네디센터 LDP 현대무용단 공연 (Oct. 31 - Nov. 2)

케네디센터 LDP 현대무용단 공연 (Oct. 31 - Nov. 2)
